Dan Sidor
Professional Photographer & Drummer
My Story
“A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective.” – Irving Penn
I’ve been capturing the true essence of brands, organizations and people for over 30 years. With a focus on heart-centered photography, my current clients range from non-profits and hospitals to trailblazers and change-agents.
Originally from Rochester, NY I attended The Brooks Institute of Photography in California. Upon graduation, I quickly moved to Denver, Colorado and opened my photography studio in 1985. From film to digital, local to international, actors to zinnias and thousands of products and people in between, I’ve done it all.

My Heart
“I think that emotional content is an image’s most important element, regardless of the photographic technique. Much of the work I see these days lacks the emotional impact to draw a reaction from viewers, or remain in their hearts.” – Anne Geddes
Life is short. The world is complex. And shared moments are all we have. After 30 years in photography for advertising agencies big and small, I’ve taken a step back to evaluate life’s questions…
Why am I here? What is God’s purpose for my life? How can I serve Him and humanity? What can I give that is meaningful?
When shared moments are all we have, it’s important that they are captured. Heart-felt photography does just that. It encapsulates what’s most important to the heart.
During my time of photographing products, executives, Fortune 500 companies, I most enjoyed creating beautiful photography of real people with real stories. The change-agents, do-gooders and heroes big and small.
Heart-centered photography is at the heart of what I do.
Get in touch
Have a great idea for your project?
Say hello, we might be perfect for each other!
My Cameras
“Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.” – Yousuf Karsh
The Polaroid Land Camera Model 95A. That was the first camera I used to make a photograph. Pure joy was experienced as I “firmly and evenly” pulled the film packet through the rollers and waited for what seemed like an eternity ( 90sec? ) for the image to magically process before peeling apart the sheets and behold….I was hooked.
Years later a Minolta 101 received as gift led to photos of peeling paint, our dog Loki, water flowing from a hose, family faces, and my friends and brothers repeatedly leaping for touchdown passes thrown in the backyard. I was not going to be the dentist my parents had hoped I would be.